Media / Publications

Our video’s

We create new publications on a fairly regular basis, including video’s and other media. Check back now and then to find new content.

Mine mark, the who and why…
The Challenge of Explosive Ordnance contamination!
Protecting Children in Azerbaijan 2019
Protecting Children in Ukraine
Mine Mark podcast vol. 1
Everyone needs education – even MINE MARK volunteers
Our educational Games trailer
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education for Children_Mine Mark
Partlayıcı Sursatların Təhlükəsinə dair Maarifləndirmə (PSTM) uşaqlar üçün_Mine Mark
Мінна безпека для дітей_Mine Mark
Upozoravanje na opasnost od mina i eksplozivnih sredstava zaostalih iza rata za djecu

Our Newsletters

Twice per year, we publish a newsletter. These contain updates on our important work, interviews, and sometimes an introduction of a new team-member. Please subscribe to stay up to date!


A growing collection of articles published by Mine Mark.